Nacchite ye panaina has a curiously intriguing disco-techno mix that’s easy on the ears. Okkariki okkaram and Aanati devadasu have simple, catchy hooks and the addictive musical phrases, besides Shalmali’s fantastic vocals. Raanaa goes overboard in a clumsy soundscape and the title song is an odd mess. Arijit salvages Hayi hayi‘s tune, but the backgrounds reek of Sunny’s past work, while What is this bossu manages to actually sound obnoxiuous! He is Mr.Mosagadu‘s breathless retro sound is appealing and Villain, with its Dikshidhar’s nottuswara sahitya celtic sound, is enormously interesting! Sunny seems out of sorts in his first big-budget outing!
Keywords: Dohchay, Sunny M.R.