Shankar Mahadevan is at his best in Dinchaka dinchaka, cooly handling the raucuously catchy tune. Adnan Sami and Shreya get a Mani Sharma’ish melody in Hey paaru – nothing new, but good while it lasts with it’s pleasant sound. Dhoomapaanam would make Mani Sharma proud again – pulsating sound with nifty touches to add to the fun. Kailash Kher’s Yeh Allah, despite the standard tune, gets a hige fillip from Bheems’ imaginative orchestration, while Tere mere saath, no doubt inspired by Pritam’s Balam pichkari, is the sole spoilsport. Bheems seems primed to fill the spot left vacant by Mani Sharma.
Keywords: Bheems Ceciroleo, Galipatam