The title song is a heady, foot-tapping number, stringing together Rajkumar and Vishnuvardhan film titles! Vijay Prakash is expectedly fantastic. Arjun infuses manic energy in Dhool‘s rhythm, though the actual tune is more gimmicky. Tea angadi munde is typical Arjun Janya; an intentionally corny tune riding on a foot-tapping, faux-classical base… Vyasaraj does the honors darn well. Lavanya kai kottbitta could easily be mistaken for Imman’s material – similar rhythm and tune combo. Indu Nagaraj closes the soundtrack in style with Suruvana suvvanaari, a possibly Senjurutti raaga melody that Arjun adorns perfectly with nadaswaram. Arjun’s great form for Sharan continues!
Keywords: Rajvishnu, Arjun Janya
Listen to the songs on YouTube: