Gentleman (Music review), Telugu – Mani Sharma

Mani Sharma offers a lovely jazz package in Chali chali! The tune is breezy, and Mani’s singers—Haricharan, Padmalatha and Malavika—do a fantastic job! In Gusa gusa lade, the whispery tune is brilliantly pop’ish, even as it segues into that catchy hook, and the interludes include sitar and harmonium! Both versions, featuring Karthik and Pranavi, and Sri Krishna and Sujatha Mohan do justice to the tune. Dintaka dintaka runs out of steam, literally – uses an outdated faux-Punjabi sound. And Saturday Night Fever, despite the racy sound, sounds like a wannabe dance track. Mani Sharma’s comeback has 2 standout tracks!

Keywords: Mani Sharma, Manisharma, Gentleman 2016

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