Soch na sake, with its gentle lilt and Arijit Singh’s vocals, is pleasant to the point of being soporific before Tulsi Kumar wakes you up with her dependably bad singing. Arijit’s solo version doesn’t have such impediments. Mera nachan nu, led by Divya Kumar, is standard-issue Punjabi liveliness, even invoking Jaidev Kumar’s Dil le gayi kudi Gujarat di. Tu bhoola jise has a beautifully swelling sound with a rousing, patriotic ending! Ankit Tiwari’s sole composition, Dil cheez is as catchy as Middle Eastern tunes go, though the ‘Dedi’ phrase sounding so much like Khaled’s Didi is awkward. Acquiescent soundtrack, this.
Keywords: Airlift, Amaal Mallik, Ankit Tiwari
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