It could be Suman Sridhar. Or it is perhaps the fairly generic attempt to work within the Mikey McCleary Bartender Mix format, but Muskaanein jhooti hai works seductively well with its retro tune laid out in the bluesy base! Suman Sridhar, of course, weaves magic with her vocals. In Jee le zaraa, Ram puts Vishal Dadlani’s throaty voice to stunning use and delivers a pensive melody with haunting backgrounds. It sounds almost like Vishal Shekhar’s material, but for the effort that the composer adds in the orchestration. Ram channelizes his own Let’s Talk (one of Ram Sampath’s best soundtracks!) number Karie Karoon into Jiya lage na – a scintillating semi-classical style tune sung wonderfully by Sona Mohapatra and Ravindra Upadhyay, peppered with frenetic drum & bass to superb effect. He pulls off Hona hai kya too fabulously well, with his own vocals to underline the mysterious tune, coupled with Pancham style shouts and captivating electronic music. The soundtrack closes with Laakh duniya kahe, a rather conventional rock ballad that still works thanks to Ram’s own vocals and Javed Akhtar’s affecting lyrics. The Aamir Khan – Ram Sampath combination continues to rock after Delhi Belly; Talaash’s soundtrack is short, but enchantingly deft!
Keywords: Talaash, Talaash The Search Within, Aamir Khan, Ram Sampath, 200, #200