Mugulu Nage (Music review), Kannada – V.Harikrishna

The highly listenable Roopasi and the title song perfectly fit the Sonu-Mano Murthy-Mungaru Male template, while Kere yeri has a simple, equally charming sound. Roopasi’s Shreya version, Kannadi illada oorinali is a lovely listen as well, while Shreya rocks the wonderfully pleasant melody of Ninna snehadinda, with a gorgeous Hindustani base. Vijay Prakash’s spirited vocals run riot over the catchy, ‘spirited’ tune of Hodi ombath, while his very-Goan Amara hale nenepu has Hari concocting a highly imaginative and playful sound. With just 3 singers, a bunch of melodies and without a single duet, Harikrishna scores pretty well in Mugulu Nage!

Keywords: Mugulu Nage, V.Harikrishna

Listen to the songs on YouTube:


