Javed may not be the best choice for Guzarish, an essentially Abhijeet’ish number with a gorgeous tune and the usual Rahman-styled flow, while Kaise mujhe’s mellifluous pathos gets slightly muted due to Benny’s dispassionate vocals. Behka is path-breaking – contrarian first antara, soaring bridges and incredible singing by Karthik. Latoo is instantly appealing with an addictive, repetitive chorus but Aye bachchu is the only weak spot – lyrically, as well as the Lakeer-esque tune. Given the gargantuan expectations, Ghajini’s music is perhaps a little too frivolous, but has enough of Rahman’s touches to distinguish itself and enthrall his fan base!
Keywords: Aamir Khan, Jiah Khan, Asin, A.R.Rahman, A R Rahman
Note: No, this is not what I think of Ghajini’s soundtrack – to quote another friend, my opinion is that Ghajini is Rahman’s turkey of 2008 🙂 But, the reaction to my earlier 100 words amuse me endlessly. They ask me to listen to the songs for a week and review; to take a walk; to stop reviewing (a) any kind of music, (b) any soundtrack within 24/36/48 hours of the music release; to buy life insurance; to change my car’s engine oil as per the schedule…I think you get the drift. So, in a Bizarro world and in a more generous frame of mind, this would have been my review of Ghajini. Just to prove that anyone can have any kind of opinion and articulate it equally well too – what really matters is what he/ she really thinks and is able to communicate without worrying about the kind of reactions it may generate! If you enjoyed Ghajini’s music, read this…continue to listen to them and move on with life!