Children of Men (Alfonso Cuarón)

Alfonso Cuarón gets back to top form, after a brief sojourn into fantasy with Master Potter. Unlike his earlier Y Tu Mamá También or Sólo Con Tu Pareja, where he has comedy as base to create movies that affect viewers, he chooses a bleak, futuristic story by P D James for Children of Men. Set just a couple of decades away, it portrays a world which has just lost its youngest resident, all of just years. And pregnancy is a thing of the past! Britain is going all out on illegal immigrants with Nazi-style actions. Amidst all this, Clive Owen must help a pregnant black woman reach the very illegal Human Project! It’s all handled as interestingly as it sounds! Even though the film has very Indian clichés like an obvious ending, the tone is intact with the dead pan Clive Owen reacting excellently to the spiraling chaos around him. The gut-wrenching action sequences and the scene where Kee and Theo walk amidst a gang of armed soldiers with only the baby’s cry as their guard are clearly the highlights. Besides that delightful cameo by Michael Caine as a hippie, of course! This gloomy, dystopian thriller is a must watch!

Keywords: Clive Owen, Alfonso Cuaron, Julianne Moore


