Trissur song, with its flashy brass sound, seems intentionally corny. Sannidanandan handles the racy sound well. Innale innale, sung by Niranj Suresh, is so very Gopi! A low-key, guitar-driven melody that meanders with unhurried pleasantness and evoking the composer’s Telugu repertoire. Niranj is behind Kaate poora kaate as well, a song that sets the Diwanji Moola as an iconic location (for Grand Prix!), with flamboyant guitar and an anthemic tune, though the tune is good old Gopi material and is easily passed over. A relatively staid and middling album from Gopi, coming on the back of a similarly packaged Vimaanam.
Keywords: Diwanjimoola Grand Prix, Gopi Sunder, Gopi Sundar
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