Venkatapuram (Music review), Telugu – Achu

Egire‘s background rhythm is delightfully unique and goes beautifully with the engaging melody sung by Yazin Nizar and Keka Ghoshal. Benny Dayal’s O Maya settles into a nice and catchy EDM groove, while Kokkoroko, together with the 5 singers, has a pretty good techno hook. Thanevaro‘s pensive melody is soulful and Achu handles it himself with grace, layering minimal, appropriate music around it. The song’s reprise is equally good, with Vijay Yesudas bringing his own nuances in the singing. In Kalam, Achu makes good use of Dhanunjay and Sai Shilpa’s vocals in a harmonious way. Listenable soundtrack from dependable Achu.

Keywords: Venkatapuram, Achu Rajamani, Achu

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