Hyper (Music review), Telugu – Ghibran

Anudeep and Yazin try their best singing the utterly predictable Come back, while Ghibran has a nice surprise in the anupallavi’s tune! Baby doll too has lot of catchy sounds, but the tune is pedestrian. Ompula dhaniya is the pits – with a groan-inducing bum chiki bum chorus. But Ghibran does throw a surprise in the anupallavi, again. Sameera Bharadwaj is the star of Naalo nenenaa, even as the song around her collapses in all its familiarity. In Hypare hypare, Ghibran successfully fuses Devi Sri Prasad’ish repetitiveness with his own style, to middling effect. Hyper is Ghibran’s weakest work yet.

Keywords: Hyper, Ghibran

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