Everyone involved in Chumma chaati – lyricist Amitabh Bhattacharya, composer Amartya and singer Shefali Alvares – are at their annoying best. Mind blastic isn’t any different; not annoying but incredibly staid, barring minor solace in those interesting interludes. Carlos is Javed Jaffrey’s show, but is all noise and no impact. Ae ji suniye, thankfully, makes some impact – Hamsika Iyer’s vocals and a curiously mock folk tune. But, with its ad jingle-style catchiness, Ring ring is the soundtrack’s winner, well sung by Subhajit Mukherjee. Amartya’s score: Band Called Nine: super; Aurangzeb: good; What The Fish: bad. And, this one? Middling!
Keywords: Amartya Rahut, Mr Joe B. Carvalho