With simplistic backgrounds, the title song relies on Yuvan’s solid tune, while the by-now-trademark Yuvan tune in Saradaga is equally impactful. Yuvan’s awesome tune-smithing resurfaces in the engagingly mellow Waiting for you and the very pleasant Anukoledenadu – the composer wisely underplays the orchestration to accentuate the vocals. Yuvan lends his vocals to another trademark tune of his, Povaodhe prema – even his gruffy off-key’ness adding a special character. Yuvan’s groovy sound is used to the hilt in Seheri – with orchestration that hits the bullseye and a tune that’s exceptionally addictive. Yuvan, in incredible form, produces massy, enticing music for Oy!
Keywords: Siddharth, Shamili, Shamlee, Yuvan Shankar Raja, Toshi, Oy Telugu, Oye Telugu songs